Saturday, March 5, 2011

Automotive market in February 2011: Fiat and Lancia reduction, Alfa Romeo

The automobile market in the month of February, showed a decrease of 20.49% of registrations over the same period last year. Given the data of the Ministry of Transport under which Fiat brands including Alfa Romeo and Lancia, has sold 45,527, a 27.09% less. Instead increased orders, which in February stood at 168mila, with an increase of 15% compared to January 2010.

Gianni Filipponi, director dell'Unrae said that "in order growth compared to the beginning of 2010 we should not forget that this is an indicator of abnormal, which is correlated high number of contracts concluded in December 2009, the final month of the state incentives, a clear effect of anticipation.

It was not until April to get a better indication. " Fiat Automobiles has recorded a loss of market share and brand as the single house of the Lingotto lost 33.9%. Lancia stops down to 4.5% of 0.1%. Good news for Alfa Romeo in February marks an excellent 33.3% of sales and market share rose to 3.9% from 2.3% last year.

Eugenio Razelli, president of Anfia said that "volumes of registrations in February to below unity 165mila not seen since 1996. The orders received are still growing, but the comparison is with a February 2010 deadline lowered by the effect of incentives since 2009. "

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