Monday, March 14, 2011

It takes 108 fines in three years, the requirement to cancel

The fines given to cars with foreign number plates have a shorter limitation than those with national plate. This alone has saved a 32 year-old financial consultant, who lives in Monaco but domiciled in the center of Milan, from 108 to pay for fines received in 3 years with his Mercedes CL500. Evidently he was aware that it is difficult to trace the owner (particularly when residence and domicile are not identical), so the young manager was running around for years in city driving lanes, parking in no parking and committing a number of other repeated infringements that ordinary citizens are trying to do ever.

But the officials of the Municipal Police in Milan have put on his track by subtracting the area of \u200b\u200bthe home by reckless motorists that most of these sanctions were high near Corso Venezia in the heart. And so, finally, the car was identified and removed with the aim of returning it once paid the debt with the municipality.

Just as the "cast" by removing the vehicle, the owner appeared and was invited to follow the lead where he would be notified of all fines backward, for a total amount of 8,000 €. To be paid in cash. The amazing thing, though, is that the prescription for the sanctions imposed on Italy by foreign-registered car is shorter.

And so many of these 108 fines are not paid.

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