Saturday, March 12, 2011

"Yes to the Nürburgring" wants his money back

EUR 1.6 million calls the club "Yes to the Nürburgring back. The association had contributed that amount in security measures on the north loop of the ring. Now he sees the business basis for the commitment disrupted severely and has a law firm to investigate the circumstances surrounding the execution of the project "Nürburgring 2009" and the lease of circuits, and other around the sports facility erected lodging, dining and entertainment companies.

"Yes to the Nürburgring" was first performed six million DM for the expansion of the Grand Prix track and later the 1.6 million € for the Nordschleife. This was done - so the club - on the basis of common understanding of the state government of Rhineland-Palatinate, the Nürburgring and the Association, a prominent sports facility in the economically underdeveloped area of \u200b\u200bthe Eifel region by the close cooperation between the public and motor sports get.

This should be the professional racing and recreational sports, access to the race tracks are secured on reasonable terms. For the private Nürburgring Automotive GmbH sees the club but the profit maximization at all costs in focus. (Ampnet / Sm)

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