Thursday, April 14, 2011

Termini Imerese: Cape Rev peak electric car

The secretary general of the union Uilm, Eros Panicali, has welcomed the proposal of the Ministry of Economic Development to invest € 119 million to start production at Termini Imerese and marketing of electric cars and batteries to power them. "A regime - said Panicali - in the former Fiatlavoreranno 910 people, 800 of which could be considered among those already employed in factory farms or industries." The Sicilian plant should produce at full capacity within five years, provided that the segment of zero-emission vehicles will be able to take off.

The proposal, presented today at the department from the Sicilian financier Cimino and Indian partner Mahindra Rev, rev is the Cape, one of seven companies selected to detect the plant in Termini Imerese Sergio Marchionne will leave at the end of 2011. In the first year of operation - ie in 2012 - should be employed 285 people, including 185 in the auto industry and real sector and the remaining 100 in batteries.

As a similar opinion also representatives of other unions, such as the FIM, the UGL metalworkers and Fismic. Rather puzzled, however, Roberto Mastrosimone, FIOM representative of Palermo Cimino believes that the plan is not clear from the financial point of view. "After almost 2 years to find ourselves still no certainty on the relocation of 2,200 workers of the plant.

Fiat has announced the closure of the terms in June 2009 and still there is too much uncertainty, "he said.

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