Thursday, May 12, 2011

Audi R8 here is how does the e-tron

The Audi R8-tron and coming onto the market in 2012, but today the German company is working on a line of pre-production electric sports car, so to get to the stage of actual production in ideal conditions. As evidence of how to take a lot of Ingolstadt in what will be the first electric-powered Audi sports, were released on a Web video and photos showing some of the stages of production of the car.

After an introduction in which the duty and R8-tron is shown as dashes on the track, the movie shows the working of the light frame ASF (Audi Space Frame), weighing only 200 kg, as shown comes from one of the tanks in which the frame are absorbed before moving on to painting, which for the exemplary character provides a lively red color, improved with the passage of more coats of paint and careful finishing up to get the right effect that any shiny car, a pre-series or series that is, must possess.

A brief passage in the room dedicated to the virtual reproduction of the vehicle instead suggests how the work on digital models is of fundamental importance for the technicians and engineers involved in the project, which can take advantage of these rooms to observe the multi-car from every angle without the need to make right now a scale model.

After this pre-production study, Audi R8 and-tron will assemblatanello German plant in Neckarsulm: it will be there next year that the electric sports car will be born, to present credentials to the public by focusing on how to accelerate from 0 to 100 km / h in 4.8 seconds and a top speed of 200 km / h, a power of 313 hp, torque of 4,500 Nm and 250 km of autonomy declared.

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