Thursday, May 19, 2011

Gasoline: timid declines to 1.576 € / liter

After a timid start in increasing fuel prices to fall. In particular to work to scale down the first day were in today's Eni, down 1 cent on petrol green Ip, with -2 -1 cents for petrol and on diesel and Q8 Shell, with -0.5 cents for both supplies, Tamoil, with -0.5 cents on diesel. Good news for motorists, but it has all the taste of sweetener and not a real downward trend.

In the Mediterranean, in fact, the international prices of petrol and diesel were back up by 32 and 25 U.S. dollars / ton, respectively, share reaching $ 1,010 / ton and $ 955.50 / ton. This did not affect too much on gross margins of companies for both petrol and diesel, which remain above the average recorded over the last three years.

At the position in the price of fuel is quotidianoenergia. it according to a survey conducted on a sample of service stations, representative of the national situation for Check-Up Prices QE. With reference to the mode "served" basis, therefore, the average prices charged by distributors in Italy are € 1.576 per liter for the green € 1.449 per liter for diesel and 0.768 € / liter for LPG.

To be specific, ranging from the gasoline that it charges a price of 1.572 € / liter, Tamoil, which sells for € 1.584 per liter. Be noted that the no-logo sell for 1.469 € / liter. The diesel is instead from 1, 439 € / liter of Esso and IP 1, 447 € / liter applied by Shell. The no-logo instead apply a price of 1.361 € / liter.

As for the LPG prices range from € 0.761 per liter of outlets Eni to 0.780 € / liter plant Tamoil, with 0.752 of a no-logo.

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