Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Google driveless Car: Nevada could become legal

Google is pursuing the development of driveless Car, the car that you drive from one based on the Toyota Prius. The promising results obtained in California are already thinking about the legalization of the system, with a premium on safety and efficiency, but these require a very accurate map of the area to provide the information necessary for cars to drive automated.

Google could apply for approval of the system, for the time being in the state of Nevada, proposing some changes to the Highway Code of the State. The goal of Google, as the engineer said Sebastian Thrun, is to prevent accidents by improving traffic conditions and monitoring the movement of cars, actually changing the way you use the car itself, which would thus become a means of private transport where the user is free to do other activities while you are literally transported to the place indicated, relying totally on-board computer and information collected from other cars in the network, while maintaining strict limits imposed by each road section.

There will be at least a command to drive, from time to time, their car in person?

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