Thursday, May 19, 2011

Insurance replacement: comparison of auto insurance more important than ever

The golden times lower insurance premiums in motor insurance for the time being seem to be over. After the German motorists have benefited in recent years by the price wars of the insurance companies, the price war in the auto insurance policy now seems to tend to a close. Clearly the trend is now also in the automotive sector to higher insurance premiums.

For this reason, it will be increasingly important in the near future, taken before the completion of a new auto insurance policy with a detailed auto insurance comparison. Already last year, the approaching end of the low-premium-phase to the motor vehicle insurance was foreseeable. Thus, the premiums rose in 2010 to an average for the first time in six years, by 0.6 percent, while most insurance companies in previous years, mainly to put themselves to outdo each other with the lowest possible prices.

This year, the vehicle owners in Germany are also expected to increase contributions. A comparison of prices and services offered by different auto insurance is therefore more than ever, the easiest way, and almost to the necessary measure to still find a cheap insurance industry. The upward trend in car 'contributions has an impact on the willingness to change the German driver.

Last year was already changing every third car ownership in the Federal Republic's insurance industry - this is evident from a representative survey among German motorists. As a major reason for the insurance bills were here most often the price of the insurance cover for their own cars mentioned.

Thus, the majority of respondents expected mainly from lower insurance premiums change. In addition to the level of contributions paid primarily to the greatest possible flexibility in insurance rates and to find a new car insurance at favorable rates, more and more drivers relying on a no obligation insurance comparison on the web.

The World Wide Web is an information source on the topic of auto insurance suitable ideal. First, there are now web portals where drivers can charge and without obligation to make a rate comparison of different providers of car insurance to find the best possible offer. Portals that offer this type on the other hand, the ability to perform at any time and regardless of where your review comparison.

Using detailed information on car and vehicle owners identify independent comparison websites tailored to the customer the cheapest tariffs in the auto insurance as well as in full-and part comprehensive insurance. However, not only on the level of contributions when comparing auto insurers should be respected, but also on the offered line size and the conditions to which the insurance may be linked.

There should be available on the websites of the insurers more information about the portfolio and the policy conditions.

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