Thursday, May 19, 2011

Right: control radar and behind the entrance lawful

Who immediately behind a signpost to drive fast and flashed it should not count per se with the leniency of the transport authority. For such measurements are quite contrary to popular opinion recyclable. give it by law, no "tolerance" at the pace, one should take into account the range of city limits so to speak, said the Auto Club Europa (ACE).

"Administrative Instructions, that the use of speed measuring devices, a certain distance, for example, 150 meters to abide by the city limit sign or a sign is prohibited are not alone, according to ACE prevail. "This is not directly applicable statutory provisions, but rather a purely intra-duty regulations for police work," informs Lempp Volker, head of traffic laws in the ACE.

They affected the administrative penalties in terms of equal treatment of road users in the control situations is limited. In this respect, according to ACE which most courts also no need for a "bonus" at the fine if one was actually measured too close to the town sign. "But a ban is in the air, has the speeders good chance to escape with a mere fine is," said Lempp.

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