Wednesday, May 18, 2011

BMW: care system at the turn

BMW presents an experimental system of assistance to turn left, which is currently under study on the new 5 Series. The device, integrated on-board electronics, assists the driver in place when the car fills the opposite lane, checking for other vehicles coming in the opposite direction, even in the presence of obstacles, vehicles or other atmospheric phenomena that impede eye contact.

With a camera and laser scanner 3 can detect the presence of a vehicle at 100 meters and intervene if the driver is to perform a maneuver carried hazardous. The system can automatically activate the braking system, alerting the driver with an alarm in the dashboard and thus avoiding an accident, then shutting below 10 km / h.

The project is also integrated with the system WLAN car-to-x, and that BMW is experimenting with providing the connection between road vehicles for the exchange of traffic information. In this case, the network can "feel" the other cars of its presence, with a range that goes from 100 to 250 meters, regardless of the actual contact of vision.

In this case, the onboard computer can assess the direction and speed of vehicles to calculate the chance of an impact and activate on-board systems as a result: not only the slowing action on the brakes, but also the use of plant lighting, horn and even the automatic guidance of emergency to a safe point of the road.

BMW is developing this safety systems within the project Intersafe 2, and which includes Volvo and Volkswagen Group.

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