Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Google: the car that you drive alone will be legalized in Nevada?

Google is not only the most important search engine in the world of the Internet, is now planning a car that they drive alone. For some time, Google is testing a prototype in fact of what could be called "Google Car", namely that a Toyota Prius, however, stands out because it runs on its own without the need for a laser driver and a device that mounts on the roof .

In this regard the American state of Nevada may be the first to legalize the use, in fact, after heavy lobbying, Google has managed to transform into a proposed law two measures that could be the turning point of the car world. These rules, according to which passengers will only have to set your destination and allow cell phone use to write text messages to those who are behind the wheel of this car, will now be analyzed by the parliament in Carson City by next June.

This type of car is already ahead in its test phase, in fact, the Google engineers have already done 225,000 km of testing on the streets of California, even in the busy stretch that connects Los Angeles to San Francisco. Despite the high level of security seems, there are doubts in the legal field.

There are no adequate standards for this type of technology, that the streets are now governed by rules that correspond to the ancestors. Google still is not discouraged and calmly wait the decision of the Nevada could be the real turning point for the cars of the future.

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