Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The car linked to the future, but there 'to work

The future of the automobile is increasingly linked to the Internet, preferably linked to the "cloud" (cloud). The car-related is certainly not a novelty in recent days, because for some manufacturers are increasingly enhancing the systems of communication systems that already incorporate several features to exploit the Internet and its potential, a trend that will increasingly clear and strong in the coming years.

Connected to the so-called car are in fact working all the major manufacturers, especially those traditionally strong in the segment of luxury cars. The goal for everyone is to integrate in-vehicle systems with applications cloud, whose operation does not imply the need to install the software in the car, but simply requires you to connect to servers made available by those provides a service to access all possible functions directly from remote.

You can offer as many employment opportunities to a large number of users at the same time, in as simple as possible, because the cloud services are available to anyone who is able to connect to the Internet, from anywhere you log on. One of the projects that fall into this eCall is an initiative which is focusing on the European Commission that requires all new models to be connected to the network and be equipped with all the useful applications to take advantage of the platform.

The objectives are obviously related to safety, as well as for another similar project, the Car Connectivity Consortium made up of eleven U.S. companies to establish technology standards that are common to all models of manufacturers who want to take part in the project. It is in any case of open solutions that enable on-board systems to communicate with smartphones and look out the network, although it is currently a major limitation to overcome is that the sustainability of the network infrastructure of the various providers.

In fact, a capillary diffusion of these systems lead to a significant increase in data traffic on mobile networks of different providers, which are often in need right now to support large volumes of traffic generated by users connected, with the result that a broadcast of this kind vehicles may require investments in upgrading and restructuring of networks, not some simple thing that tries to answer Umberto Bertelli, Managing Director of Ciena for the Mediterranean area: "The networks must be ready to deal simultaneously with multiple services and quality required.

The need to differentiate high priority traffic than low priority will be as important as to adapt dynamically to changing network changes in terms of capacity, on-demand and in real time. The implementation of Carrier Ethernet solutions for advanced wireless backhaul can allow mobile network operators to save up to 30% in terms of CAPEX and 80% as compared to the technology package.

"So there are grounds for technology can make possible in the car do things once unthinkable, but still need other work to ensure that these opportunities are widely available.

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