Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Lotus Elan left the project, says the Evora

Lotus decided not to pursue the project of the new Elan, one of five prototypes presented with great fanfare in 2010 at the Paris show. In a recent interview with UK EVO picked up by Autoblog eg, Dany Bahar has indeed confirmed that the English house has decided to extend the business cycle of Evora, with important updates and developments of the model, which will otherwise be left to its fate after a short residence time on the market.

At the same time, however confirmed Bahar important news on the remaining projects. In fact, continuing the work for Elite and Esprit, which will share many components, including at least 550 hp V8 engine that Lotus plans to develop on their own (probably starting from the base of the 5-liter Lexus), combined with a sequential gearbox and, in option, a manual for the purists of the guide.

It will not be provided a double clutch, considered too heavy and complex in order to remain within the threshold of 1500 kg. Just to hold the mass, it will make extensive use of aluminum, carbon fiber and plastic materials. Esprit is likely to debut in the final version already at Geneva Motor Show 2012: according to some "evil tongue" would this really the only model in development, beyond declarations and announced projects.

On the "delicate" issue of Elise and Exige, Bahar has however confirmed that the intention is to offer a more user-friendly and practical, designed as a direct competitor of Porsche Cayman and Boxster Spyder: words which, probably, not existing customers Lotus appreciate, but which should lead to a significant increase in sales in international markets.

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