Electrically assisted bicycles (Pedelec) in Germany are in vogue. The producers are pleased with double digit growth rates and the owners of the "built momentum." However, this development poses, according to the research of the accident insurers (UDV) and threats. After four crash tests and extensive road tests, the accident researchers are in a now currently present study concludes that, especially the fast Pedelecs (up to 45 km / h) a danger to the drivers themselves can be but also for other road users.
Pedelecs not only achieve a higher average speed, but also a higher top speed, especially on the mountain, as a purely with frequent muscle-powered bikes are inevitable overtaking it. The higher speed also will inevitably lead to serious injuries in collisions. The concerns extend Pedelec driver himself, the accident, but also as pedestrians.
They also have an increased risk of injury from bicycle with electric drive. For motorists, it is difficult to recognize in the future, how fast a cyclist on the road. Even a senior on a city bike could appear thanks to the electric assistance much faster than the experience taught so far.
The UDV notes that are considered 45-km/h-Pedelcs as defined by EU Directive 2002/24/EC really like a moped (class L1e). This would mean that a motorcycle helmet must be worn and they are equipped with brakes and headlights, mirrors, type-approved tires and other technical details. Since in practice the required technology but often missing, move most of these "fast-cycling" to assess the accident experts illegally on the streets.
Therefore calls for the UDV, a new vehicle class extra for "fast" Pedelecs with meaningful technical and regulatory regulations. So should the speed limit to 30 km / h are limited and the engine power not greater than 500 W amount. Insurance indicator, moped certificate, bike helmet instead of horn and bell are other proposals.
The crash test of the UDV are at www. youtube. see com / accident research on the web. (Ampnet / jri) 

Pedelecs not only achieve a higher average speed, but also a higher top speed, especially on the mountain, as a purely with frequent muscle-powered bikes are inevitable overtaking it. The higher speed also will inevitably lead to serious injuries in collisions. The concerns extend Pedelec driver himself, the accident, but also as pedestrians.
They also have an increased risk of injury from bicycle with electric drive. For motorists, it is difficult to recognize in the future, how fast a cyclist on the road. Even a senior on a city bike could appear thanks to the electric assistance much faster than the experience taught so far.
The UDV notes that are considered 45-km/h-Pedelcs as defined by EU Directive 2002/24/EC really like a moped (class L1e). This would mean that a motorcycle helmet must be worn and they are equipped with brakes and headlights, mirrors, type-approved tires and other technical details. Since in practice the required technology but often missing, move most of these "fast-cycling" to assess the accident experts illegally on the streets.
Therefore calls for the UDV, a new vehicle class extra for "fast" Pedelecs with meaningful technical and regulatory regulations. So should the speed limit to 30 km / h are limited and the engine power not greater than 500 W amount. Insurance indicator, moped certificate, bike helmet instead of horn and bell are other proposals.
The crash test of the UDV are at www. youtube. see com / accident research on the web. (Ampnet / jri)

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