Saturday, February 26, 2011

Electric cars: will not affect the global CO2

Studioeffettuato one in England gives a slap on the wrist to the electric car, arguing that the battery-powered engine is not so much a "zero emissions", but pollutes almost as those that would replace gasoline. Which agency? In the service of Her Majesty's consumers, found a very simple question already raised last fall by the weekly Economist: while it is undeniable that these machines do not emit CO2 during use, it is also true that the electricity needed to recharge the batteries must be, inevitably, produced by power stations which in turn would produce this gas in an additional contribution to global pollution.

Putting on the plates of a balance the additional cost of these vehicles and the actual lower emissions, the study finds that the costs in question are not worth the result. Even financially it would not be a big deal, given that to recoup the € 10,000 average additional cost for an electric car (compared to a similar model petrol or diesel) it takes several years.

Ecoincentivi separately. Perhaps only use in large urban centers of power might be advantageous, given that pollution is "moving" from the metropolis to the countryside (where the plants are usually located), where it can be more easily assibilabile plants. A similar study was done last year in Germany, with the result that the government halt the spread of such vehicles.

And several other international environmental organizations, at the time, have the same opinion.

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