Monday, February 7, 2011

GM thinks of low cost electric car

Less than two months from the first deliveries of the Chevrolet Volt, which took place in the United States just before Christmas, General Motors aims to revise downwards the price of its electric vehicle. The point is that the $ 41,000 needed to buy this car are too many, despite the eco-incentives and tax rebates that the U.S.

government has put in place to promote such practices. On the other side of the Atlantic is in fact the news came that the second group in the world is about to launch a new electric vehicle from the final price lower and the name still top secret. In essence, the company aims to play in advance of the end (not yet announced) of the federal incentives aiming to produce a zero emissions to be sold to no more than $ 30,000, which is still less than it currently spends actually for once , whereas public funding are mentioned.

An electric low cost (compared to current models ELECTRICAL) would make the purchase more affordable without spending figures comparable to those today to buy a vehicle gasoline level as BMW, Mercedes or Audi.

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